
1.4 – 07/20/2024

  • Add option Home Page 2,3,4 Section is optional
  • Add Footer Menu For Pages
  • Fix Breadcrumb Option
  • Fix the Mobile menu and sub-menu
  • Footer widgets title customizable
  • Footer widgets optional
  • Fix some other bugs

1.3 – 06/05/2024

  • Add Breadcrumb Option
  • Support WordPress 6.5
  • Support Php 8.3
  • Fix some other bugs

1.1 – 11/23/2023

  • ​Add a Screenshot option in the admin panel
  • add multiple images add in screenshot
  • add image remove button for remove Screenshot
  • add selected images preview in admin app side
  • add Confirmation message in Screenshot remove time
  • Add a Screenshot slider in the App details side
  • Add Seo meta title
  • Fix add comments and rating system
  • Fix Add To Favorite Button
  • upgrade Post ui
  •  Fix some other bugs

1.0 – 10/30/2023

  • initial release